Though she is only 20-years-old, SAVANNAH VALENTINO is way beyond her years in terms of her songwriting prowess and natural ability to capture deep emotional responses through her music. Raised in Richmond, Valentino has taken inspiration from the local environment, it’s diverse population, and fused it together to create her own unique brand of folk for a new, younger generation. After performing at this year’s South by Southwest Festival, Valentino is on her way to be one of the top need-to-know artists in the country, and she hasn’t even released a debut record yet! I had the chance to catch up with her to get to know her better and see what she has in store for the folk music world.

Congratulations on playing South by Southwest this year. Was this your first time performing at the festival?

Yes it was.

What were some of the highlights this year?

It was cool being able to walk around and feed off the energy of the crowd. There were [hundreds] of people on both sides of the street. Also, it was really cool being able to play out and meet new people, as well as see friends that I have met before. A radio DJ from Norway that I met in September came just to see me play.

How did you get started playing music and writing your own songs?

Since I was 14, I listened to a lot of folk music, and I wanted to put my own experiences into pretty songs.

And the rest is history (laughs). Who were you listening to at that time that influenced you to start writing?

Other than folk music, I listened to CONOR OBERST of BRIGHT EYES, ELLIOTT SMITH, GLASSJAW, as well as old alternative bands.

How was GLASSJAW an inspiration for you?

It gave me a lot of inspiration because the music is full of so much emotion, loneliness, and heartache. On one of their albums, there is a hidden track that is slow and sad, which inspired me a lot.

You have more facial piercings than any other country or folk singer I have ever seen. Has it ever worried you that people might not like your “pierced” image?

Not at all! I have tattoos as well, and my fans love me and my style because I am who I am. Also, they help set me apart. I recently played at the Folk Alliance International in Kansas City, and though sometimes there is predominantly an older crowd, there are always people there of any age or demographic at any show I play.

What is one of the most personal songs of your set, and what is it about?

One of my most personal songs is “Painted Lover”, and I wrote that as a letter to someone that I didn’t get the chance to say directly related to a situation we were in together.

Can you tell me what kind of situation that was?

It was one of those “romance gone wrong kinda deals”, and I took all the hurtful things that happened and wrapped it up into a song. The lyrics are so specific that anyone who has been in that situation will know what I’m talking about.

I heard a rumor that you will be performing on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon soon. Is that true?

Not yet, but if you hear something let me know (laughs).


I was trying to find some recordings of your songs, and I was only able to find the two on your MySpace page and some recordings of performances on YouTube. Are you working on an EP or full-length album?

Indeed, I am working on a full-length. I haven’t touched that MySpace page since I was 15, but it’s cool to know that is still out there. I have a couple newer recordings on my personal Tumblr. I am about half way through the writing process, but I still need to polish a few of the songs and write some more. There is no tentative release date yet, but we plan on recording it either in Nashville or Austin either in the fall or next winter. I have a good team around me, and we are not trying to rush it.

When you ultimately do release it, where will it be announced?

When it comes out, you will know (laughs). We are working on getting a website up, and we will also be making announcements over Facebook. We will have hard copies and digital copies, mp3’s, CDs, and vinyl.

How did growing up in Richmond affect your outlook on the world, life, etc. in terms of your songwriting?

I love Richmond! It’s a fantastic city, and the people are amazing. I get inspiration from the river at Belle Isle, the Church Hill area, and even the trains that come through the city. I worked at an overnight diner in downtown for a while, and it helped me to see the city in a completely different light.

For more updates on SAVANNAH VALENTINO, be sure to “like” her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter.

Joe Fitzpatrick

Joe Fitzpatrick

As editor-in-chief, Joe is very passionate about promoting music and culture in Virginia and DC. A resident of Fairfax, Joe enjoys going to shows, checking out local breweries, and trying new foods with his girlfriend Alex.


  1. Saw Savannah Valentino play in Baltimore - Amazing how the group I was with felt as if she invited us into her living room. Just a warm person and well grounded. Loved the song “Raleigh”.
    Going out to see her play Austin City Limits in October.

    • Dude! We saw her too! Small world! Let me know when she cuts a CD. I have a group in Australia that would love to hear her play in Perth. -peace

  2. Saw Savannah Valentino play in Baltimore - Amazing how the group I was with felt as if she invited us into her living room. Just a warm person and well grounded. Loved the song “Raleigh”.
    Going out to see her play Austin City Limits in October.

    • Dude! We saw her too! Small world! Let me know when she cuts a CD. I have a group in Australia that would love to hear her play in Perth. -peace

  3. Were all taking the ride to Baltimore -
    Club K or something like that I read on her Facebook site.

  4. Were all taking the ride to Baltimore -
    Club K or something like that I read on her Facebook site.

  5. Were all taking the ride to Baltimore -
    Club K or something like that I read on her Facebook site.

  6. Dude! We saw her too! Small world! Let me know when she cuts a CD. I have a group in Australia that would love to hear her play in Perth. -peace

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