Though Peripheral Vision was not officially released for purchase until May 4, 2014, the latest album from TURNOVER has been blasting throughout the Internet streaming on Soundcloud and YouTube since early March when the band released their first single, “Cutting My Fingers Off” and subsequent releases to promote the album. Though it is doubtful the songs on this album will inspire self-mutilation, the band’s move from pop punk champions to indie rock/shoegaze newcomers is a welcome change to the band’s discography.

Since forming in 2010, the Virginia Beach-based band has taken their career to highs most bands dream of, recently completing a full U.S. tour with NEW FOUND GLORY, THIS WILD LIFE, and TURNSTILE, and Peripheral Vision has quickly been climbing the Billboard charts, claiming #3 in Alternative New Artist Albums, #4 in Top New Artist Albums, and #9 in Vinyl Albums, among others. Bassist Danny Dempsey caught us up on the secrets behind the making of the album and their decision to leave pop punk behind, as well as how they are pretty basic when not on tour.

What was the intended meaning of the title Peripheral Vision?

I think the title is going to have a different meaning to each member or person that listens to it. To me, it’s just speaking on how so much is going on in life, and even though it’s not directly in focus, it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Since forming your band, how have your goals changed as a band, and what are your current goals you want to accomplish together?

I don’t really think we’ve changed our goals too much. It’s always been to play music we’re happy with and do things our way. We could have written the same record 10 times, but that wouldn’t be any fun. Right now, I’d say the same thing I would have said five years ago — write music we love and see new places and people.

How has growing up inspired your shift away from pop punk to more indie rock and shoegaze styles of music?

Touring has helped us meet so many people and with that comes hearing about new music. When you spend 10 months a year in a van, you’re going to spend a lot of time on Spotify checking out new and old stuff.

Can you tell me about the video you guys made for “New Scream” and how the concept you went with relates to the meaning of the song?

We shot that video with Rob Soucy, Eric’s brother, and it was mostly his idea. We gave him a general vibe of what we wanted. Then, he ran with it and made it more than we could have ever imagined. He’s a really talented dude.

In the interview you did with Billboard, you mentioned that despite changing your sound, you are constantly still being associated with the pop punk genre. What do you think it will take to escape that preconceived notion of your band?

I think the record has been doing that for us already. A lot of people have been very vocal about how even though we’re not the band they fell in love with, the new stuff is making them fall in love with something new, and I think that’s awesome. We’re going to do a lot of touring outside the “pop punk” world and just keep writing how we’ve been writing. I’m sure it’ll catch on sooner or later, and hopefully the old fans come along with us.

Out of curiosity, who is the woman featured on your album cover, and why was that photo chosen as the album art?

I just found out who she was a few days ago actually. I had the idea of using something by the photographer [Francesca Williams] before even recording. She’s just an artist I’m a fan of. Check her stuff out. She’s awesome.

When you are not touring or making music together, what is something that each of you do for fun?

Same stuff as most people our age. Eat, hang at people’s houses, go to the beach, go hiking, write music, and hang with friends. We’re pretty basic.

How soon will you guys be embarking on the road again, and who will you be touring with?

We head out for an east coast run with FIREWORKS at the end of May. After that, we have plans August to October. We’ll be announcing all of that soon.

Do you have any shows lined up in Virginia or D.C.?

Nothing set in stone yet. We’ll be doing a release show in Richmond this summer. We’ll keep everyone up to date on that via our social medias.

For more updates on TURNOVER, be sure to visit their website, “like” their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter and Instagram, and check out Peripheral Vision on Bandcamp.

Joe Fitzpatrick

Joe Fitzpatrick

As editor-in-chief, Joe is very passionate about promoting music and culture in Virginia and DC. A resident of Falls Church, Joe enjoys going to shows, checking out local breweries, and trying new foods with friends.

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