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Hailing from the Swamps of Southampton County, SALTINE is comprised of Warren Holland (Lead Guitar/Vocals), Eric Kitchen (Bass), Kenneth Daugherty (Rhythm Guitar), and Huck Myers (Drums). Coming off the release on their rookie Self Titled EP, SALTINE have rapidly become a dominate force in the local metal scene. We had the chance to interview Meyers about how the band got started and the musical direction they are heading toward.

You mention on your online profiles that SALTINE is interested in being as heavy as possible. What do you think is the driving force behind you as a band to put on a heavy show?

Honestly, as a musician, you’re always going to be a fan first. That’s where it all started. That’s what drives us. That’s the motivation. We’re fans of music, and [we are] big fans of the heavier stuff. Listening to BLACK SABBATH, PANTERA, and METALLICA growing up is what drives us to do what we do. The first time I heard “Iron Man”, I was sold. I always wanted to do that to some other kid. It’s that simple. To motivate. The best way to do it, is whatever way you want to do it. For us, its aggression. We’ve still got a smooth style, but we were fans of the heavy stuff, and we want to motivate that in others.

In the past two years, SALTINE has really found its footing, and has begun to gather a pretty strong following. Where do you see yourself headed in 2014 that fans can look forward to?

We’ve luckily had a lot of support from our peers. We’ve yet to book our own show; so far, every show we’ve been asked to play, and we’ve just jumped aboard with other local bands. It’s been a blessing and has shown us a lot of support. You don’t see that too often from bands in this area. In 2014, we’re talking a new CD, with some new material we’ve already been working on. We just want to put our music in the hands of us many people as possible. Hopefully in the New Year we can be doing the one thing we all want to do, and that’s make music for a living.

Where did the name SALTINE come from?

We’ve been asked that a lot; SALTINE has a lot of meanings. Mainly, it’s just a household name. Who hasn’t heard of SALTINE? And who doesn’t love it? I love it! It was a collective idea amongst us all. It looks good, it’s awesome. In the end, nothing is not too cool to use as a band name.

What is your favorite song to perform live, and why?

Personally, it’s “Aleopath”. There’s a part of the song where the tempo has this drastic change; it’s something like you’ve never heard before, and the changes are challenging. I love playing it live because it challenges me. I have to hold things together, and I do it well. Hell, I impress myself every time I play it live; it feels good to pull it off during a show. I’ve busted my ass over that song. Collectively, out of all of our songs, we always have to have “Brown 45” on the set list. That’s one that’ll never be too old for us to play. It’s a great, groovy song. Meaningful, both lyrically and musically.


At the end of September you posted on Facebook about writing some new music that was completely different from your earlier sound. What are some of the changes that you made, and why did you make them?

The music is still going to be the same; it’s still going to be SALTINE. People will hear it, and they will know it is us. We’ve just adapted a level of maturity. Things morph, bend, and twist as you grow as a band. We’re still rooted where we were; it’s still a beautiful and aggressive sound. Adding Kenneth to the band, his own style definitely added a bit more to our sound and our writing. The sound comes together more. It’ll be us no doubt, just more of a beast than we were before. On the 15th, we’ll be headlining a show at The Norva, and playing a lot of new material, for those who are interested in checking it out.

Where do you see the metal scene heading in Virginia?

I’ve seen the scene go up and down since 90s; we’ve all been involved in it. It’s random, this scene. These last four years have seen a nice pick up in the quality and originality, though. Richmond is a great area for it, although we’re seeing a pick-up in our local area as well. All around, there is a lot of talent, and it needs to be heard.

Are there any other bands in Virginia you think others should check out?

It’s all good, but there are definitely a few bands that are breaking ground, and sounding like you’ve never heard before. RECKONER; can’t get their CD out of my CD player. I am anxiously waiting to play with them. PILLBUSTER and SYNESTHESIA is another great couple to check out. As long as bands work together in the area, the scene can only get better. Everyone is in the same battle, fighting the same fight, with the same goal. Without all the support, we’d all be left for dead. We’re all working together, and we’re just going to do our part to put it on the map.

Do you have any final comments?

Come out to our show on the 15th, watch us live. Like us on Facebook, and download our demo CD for free and bootleg the hell out of it, please! For everyone one copy you download, make ten, we’ll love you for it. We just want our music in as many hands as possible.

For more updates on SALTINE, follow them on their Reverbnation page.

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Not many bands can combine the infectious pop lyrics of ALL TIME LOW and the raw rock and roll spirit of the FOO FIGHTERS like the members of AUDIOSTROBELIGHT. One of the many successful pop punk influenced bands to come from Virginia Beach, AUDIOSTROBELIGHT consists of their guitarist and vocalist Gabe, their bassist and vocalist Kris, their drummer Scott, their guitarist and synth player Ed, and their violinist and mandolin player Adam. We recently had the chance to talk to Adam about the band’s role in the Virginia Beach music scene over the past eight years and their influence on fans nationwide.

I saw on your Facebook page that you have toured with an impressive collection of national bands, many of whom I find seem to strongly influence your sound. Which bands were you most excited to share the stage with over the years?

For the big national bands, there was really only one show here or there, when we caught them as they were coming through our area. One of the bands we spent the most time with was our friends, ON MY HONOR, another pop punk band. Also, Count TO FOUR from New Jersey. We did a lot of shows with A PLACE IN TIME too. It’s basically like being a part of this new class of pop punk bands. Really, when you think about, it’s like high school. You’ve got bands like ALL TIME LOW, who are the alumni, and then THE WONDER YEARS, which are like fresh graduates. We like to consider ourselves the underclassman, starting to break into the international, and keeping up the momentum. We expected to be on the bigger stage in the next couple of years. And in the end, it really pays off to tour with the people in your “class”. When it’s you and a bunch of people on your level, you’re all putting in a lot of effort and getting the recognition you deserve from that.

Your most recent tour ended just a few months ago. What is touring like now, compared to when you began, and do you have any memorable moments from traveling you’d like to share?

It’s interesting, things have changed a lot. We’ve been playing music together for a number of years now. In the beginning, it was like a basement band. But now, looking back, we’ve gone through so many fan base changes. It started off with pop punk moshers, took a detour for a while, and now it’s back to pop punk. Hardcore and metal music has been dominating the past decade, and now pop punk is taking more ground and going more mainstream. We were fortunate to power through that, and although a lot of people don’t consider us “pop punk”, we think our attitude aligns with the genre. Mainly, we really enjoy connecting with people. We come across more people who listen to us from out of the area, and we love to have them come out, and get to meet them.

What’s coming up with AUDIOSTROBELIGHT that fans can look forward to?

We’ll be wrapping up October with a couple of special edition Halloween shows. We’ve really gotten into it the last couple of years. We’ll pick a band, do some covers, dress up, do a melody, and mix it with a normal set. This year we’re going to be doing the FOO FIGHTERS. It’s one of the biggest shows at the end of the fall. Then, we’ll be heading out with UH-HUH BABY YEAH for a month. It’ll be one of our biggest tours yet, and we’re anxious to see how it pans out. Then, we will be working on booking some new tours for 2014; nothing is finalized yet, but we’ve got some things in the work. People are never sure what to expect. We’re prone to surprises, and we love to be in your face, interacting with the crowd, getting into the fray. If we’re not bleeding or sweating by the end of it, we didn’t do our job.

What are some of the strongest influences in your music, lyrically and musically?

That’s a difficult question – all of us have our own personal influences. Kris undeniably has a huge hand in writing. I help with vocals and lyrically. Kris is largely influenced by MILLENCOLIN and NO USE FOR A NAME. I prefer KE$HA and FALL OUT BOY. Blink 182 and a lot of indie pop bands influence Scott. It all comes from different and weird places. For instance, when writing lyrics, I pull from romantic ideas. On the other hand, Kris doesn’t like to draw on personal experience. Our songs are never going to be about personal experiences. We want it to be more real, not just one individual experience one of us had. At the end of the day, everything ends up blending in new and interesting ways, and I think people relate to it better. Girlfriend songs don’t do anyone any good.

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What album, song, or tour to date do you think has had the strongest impact on the band?

I like to everyone has their own answer for this one. Kris would probably know best, since he’s always been guiding and writing, but I think overall, it’s watching everything we’ve worked for and pumped the energy into taking root, particularly beyond us and our social reach. Actually connecting with people, out at shows and on the road. The first time we played a headlining show at home, we saw 700 people going crazy. And we just said, “Wow, people give a shit.” We get messages from kids now that say “I was having a really shitty day and your music came on my iPod and I felt better, and I had to let you know.” It means a lot, especially when planning tours and things don’t go right. When we play in a new area, we’ll run into kids saying “I’ve heard of you, and I had to see you.” It makes us realize, we need to be doing this; it means something to someone. We’re not the biggest band in the world, but someone out there cares.

What other bands involved in the local Virginia music scene do you suggest others look into?

There is a lot of talent. On a side note, I think when you go out on the road, people make Virginia Beach out to be way more important than it really is, just because there is so much talent coming out of the area. Some names worth mentioning I think would be SECRET MARK, THE ELEVENTH HOUR, YOUR FAVORITE COASTLINE, CONQUERING ROME, BROADSIDE, and WITHIN OUR GATES. I can feel myself forgetting so many people in the area. So many greats are doing good work, and you see people putting out their stickers and wearing their shirts, especially out of state. Virginia is coming on the map, and it’s growing.

Do you have any final thoughts that you would like to share?

If you are really looking for a pop punk band that is different, and doesn’t sound the same, check out our new record. It’s good quality, and we dare and challenge you to come out to a show and not have fun. We’ll be going on tour at the end of October, all of November, and early next year. We’ll be putting on the best damn show we can, and we guarantee it will be a whole new side of the band.

For more updates on AUDIOSTROBELIGHT, follow Team Strobelight and “like” their Facebook page for more details on upcoming local shows and tours.




Formed in 2011, the members of LAKEVIEW have become one of the most popular bands in the Virginia metalcore scene. With over 19,000 “likes” on their Facebook page and a dedicated fan base, LAKEVIEW has set their sights to bigger and better things. Coming off a brief hiatus, the members of the band are stronger than they have ever been, yet they remain humble and still value their friends that helped them get to the point they are at today. We recently had the opportunity to talk to their drummer Eric St. Clair about where they draw inspiration from, LAKEVIEW’s upcoming plans, and he offers advice for aspiring musicians.

I saw on your Facebook page that you guys recently took an unexpected hiatus in your music for about a month between July and August; I won’t ask about the personal issues, but how is LAKEVIEW coming back and conquering these personal obstacles?

We have definitely struggled to overcome the issues we were having, but as a whole, LAKEVIEW is a really strong unit. We’ve been working really hard on the pre-production and production of all our new songs, and I believe personally everyone will be in love with what is in the works.

When creating music, what central themes from your life do you focus on for inspiration?

Honestly, I tend to pull from every aspect. Anything that goes on, anywhere I am, I am always thinking of new cool riffs, lyrics, and drum parts. My brain is always working, but as for a “central life theme” I don’t believe there are any in particular I could choose from. Every song is a different animal.

How do you hope your songs impact and resonate with your fans now, and future listeners?

If you have ever heard of us, or when you do hear us, you will notice we cover a pretty broad spectrum of sound. We want every single person to take away something from our music. Whether it be head banging in your car on your way to work, rocking out at a show, sharing our music with a friend or what have you, we just want you to enjoy it.

Who are your biggest inspirations when it comes to creating music?

Although said many times by many people, we really believe our biggest inspiration is our friends. Without them we couldn’t do anything. This has been a long journey thus far, and we have met so many beautiful people and created such a strong friendship with many of them that are still huge LAKEVIEW supporters until this day.


What does the future have in store for LAKEVIEW?

We definitely have some tricks up our sleeves. We can’t be specific yet, but we are finally back to being independent and out of any horrible contract we were in so our new stuff is definitely something to keep an eye out for. We’re working super hard on it, and we really hope it shows.

If there was any band—living or dead—that Lakeview could tour with, whom would that be?

I can’t speak for Taylin, Noah, or Griffin, but as for me, I am a huge jazz and pop punk guy. It would definitely be a throw down between THE BUDDY RICH BAND or BLINK 182 hands down.

To this date, what do you consider your most important or most surprising accomplishment as band?

Probably the dedication of our friends and fans. Over the past two years, we have gotten over 19,000 friends on Facebook and many others on other social networking sites, but the dedication and loyalty always blows me away. The LAKEVIEW family has always run super strong.

For all future musicians out there, what are some words of wisdom you would like to share?

Dedicate yourself, love the art, stay true to yourself and you really can’t go wrong. Always remember that hard work pays off. Nothing great is ever handed to you for free.

Are there any bands or musicians from Virginia, or from surrounding areas, that you think people should check out?

For sure! We have a lot of buddies out there — Make sure you check out KETURA, MADISON APART, SET FOR TOMORROW, and MY ENEMIES & I. They are all great bands and even better friends.

Are there any final thoughts you would like to share?

Like always, I really appreciate any and everyone who has ever reached out a hand to help us. Industry Made, Syke, Aspire To Inspire, The Artist Inside, etc. Thank you to everyone who has made everything we have done thus far successful. We look forward to everything in the near future.

For more updates on LAKEVIEW, follow them on Twitter and be sure to “like” their Facebook page.

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