No band across the United States has more passion and more drive for music than the men of CONDITIONS from Richmond. Over the past seven years, they have been touring worldwide with some of the biggest names in music, and with a unique blend of melodic rock and post-hardcore, CONDITIONS has become a force to be reckoned with. Led by vocalist Brandon Roundtree, the band, which also includes guitarist Alex Howard, drummer Ryan Tinsley, and bassist Corey Thomas, has successfully released three heartfelt records, including their most recent Full of War on Good Fight Music. This band never stops giving, and though they are always on tour, the members of CONDITIONS still call the city of Richmond their home. I recently had the chance to talk to Roundtree over the phone while the band was in Dallas, TX hours away from the start of their next tour.

You guys are currently touring with CUTE IS WHAT WE AIM FOR and DINOSAUR PILE-UP. How has that tour been going so far?

It actually just started. So we’ll see (laughs). We are really looking forward to it. We played a warm us show in Nashville and then had two days off to get here, and tonight is the first night.

Your band is known to tour relentlessly year round, but what do you guys do to stay connected to your friends and family in Richmond?

We stay very active on social media, through our Twitter accounts. We all have girlfriends so we are always taking to them, and we have a lot of inside jokes with our friends and family we tweet about. Also, we are honestly on the phone all the time with our girlfriends.

CONDITIONS have been an integral part of the Virginia music scene since 2006. What are your thoughts on the current state of the music scene in Richmond and the rest of the Commonwealth?

Right now, I’m kinda out of touch with the scene in Richmond. We tour so much that we aren’t there too often, and I’m pretty set in my ways that I only pay attention to more established bands that have been around for a while. I do think though that it is a striving scene, and I’m seeing a lot more bands branch out and tour outside Virginia. We are really proud of where we come from.

On your Facebook page, you have a quote from the celebrated French composer Juliette Nadia Boulanger that reads, “The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion.” Why is this quote important to your band?

We are all very passionate guys, and we like how she put that. I personally am terrible at naming things. I prefer the meaning to be free flowing and open to interpretation, but when we started the band, we were looking for inspiration to name the band. Our bassist at the time suggested CONDITIONS from that quote, and since then we never looked back.

What sets CONDITIONS apart from other melodic post-hardcore bands in America right now?

I will answer this the way I always do. I think that as a band, our songs have lyrical depth and we stand for things. I don’t think our music comes off as “preachy,” but I feel like the best stuff comes from the heart.

What are some of the things that your band stands for?

Primarily, strength of character, chivalry, and having a strong foundation. We want you to stand for something, whatever that may be. It’s like that quote, ‘If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.’ You need to have something that grounds you, and that message is at the heart of CONDITIONS.

Are there any other bands from Virginia that you think more people need to hear?

Hell yeah! Richmond has a great musical history. We are all huge metal and hardcore fans at heart, and in February 2012, we played Soundwave Festival in California with LAMB OF GOD, and it was so awesome getting to meet them and hang out with them. They are so talented. Also, we all love DOWN TO NOTHING. My little brother used to be in a band called ASLEEP AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, and they were an amazing instrumental band on par with EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY. Also, I can’t forget RACE THE SUN and MUNICIPAL WASTE.

Do you have any advice for up and coming bands?

Stray away from the mold of other bands, and don’t wait for a label to go out and tour. That’s just stupid. You should never refuse to do anything without the music industry involved. Just make your art and share it. Follow through, play it, and love it.

After this tour, what is next for CONDITIONS?

We have a potential headlining tour in December, and we have submitted to get on some other tours. Either way, we will be keeping busy.

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